We do a lot of articles about updating, designing, and making big remodeling decisions in your home. Except there is one thing that we don’t discuss a lot of, decor. And that is for good reason. While we can remodel kitchens or baths like no other, we are not interior designers. If it’s what backsplash works with your countertops, we got you. That being said, what makes a house a home is the character we add to it. At Friel Lumber, we are all about putting your own stamp on your home. That is why we want to talk about wall art. It’s an easy, inexpensive way to jazz up any room. And there are a lot of inspirational quotes to choose from. Here are some great quotes you’ll love to hang in your home.
Living Room Quotes
Good Vibes Only – This quote is a great way to express a positive, relaxed environment. It is also great to put near the stereo or radio, giving it a double meaning. Great music, fun vibes.

Do More of What Makes You Happy – We love this because it’s all about happiness in the household. It’s also a great alternative to ‘Enjoy the Little Things’.

Bless This Mess. – Because let’s be honest, homes are meant to be lived in. And yes, they get a little messy (or a lot). No judgment here!

Kitchen Quotes
Good ideas start with coffee. – Well, it’s true. Can’t get anything done without a good ‘ol cup of joe! Alternatively, you can have it say ‘It’s always time for tea.”

People who love to eat are always the best people. – This is especially great if your kitchen is the center of your home or you entertain a lot. And who doesn’t love to eat?

Try to make protein shakes but they keep coming out margaritas. – This one seems even more appropriate during the quarantine. Also, it’s a great way to express that you don’t take yourself too seriously.

Bathroom Quotes
Get naked. Just kidding. This is a half, bath. Don’t make it weird. – Great for the guest half bathroom. It’s a play on the ‘Get Naked’ quotes in full bathrooms.

Be the reason someone smiles today. – It’s two-fold. A place where you take care of your smile, and you view your smile a lot. Perfect place for this quote.

Wash away your troubles with some bubbles. – We love this for main bathrooms or even the master bath. Grab a book and soak in the tub vibe is what we are here for.

Bedroom Quotes
Be the Change You Wish to See in the World – This is great for any bedroom. A great affirmation to glance at everyday.

She believed she could, so she did. – Great for any little girl’s room. It’s uplifting and whimsical.

As soon as I saw you I knew an adventure was going to happen. – Winne the Pooh – It’s Pooh. Need we say more?

Misc Quotes
Time is precious, waste it wisely. – This is a great quote to use in your workspace or even in a reading nook.

Laundry Today or Naked Tomorrow – This is great for a bathroom, bedroom, or laundry room. It’s cute and funny.

I was normal two kids ago. – This just made us laugh. And cry. You know if you know. Mostly because it’s true.

Do you have wall decor in your home? Share your favorite inspirational quotes with us.