Kitchen remodels are one of those projects that you have to envision the light at the end. Meaning you end up with a beautiful kitchen you love. Nearly anyone you ask has stories of what they have endured during their kitchen remodeling process. Yes, there can be difficulties but it doesn’t have to be stressful. Also, the payoff is well worth it to get to your dream kitchen. Surviving without a kitchen (AKA the center of the home) involves a bit of strategic planning, as well as some improvising. Whether it’s a simple update or a major redesign, it will take some time getting used to the temporary inconvenience. To help you along this process, we have arranged a list of our favorite tips on how to survive your kitchen remodeling.

Spring and summer are great times to get outside while your kitchen is being remodeled inside!
1. Prepare yourself for the delays.
In a perfect world, everything would go according to plan, but there are times it does not. No renovation is without its difficulties. It is always better to be safe than sorry and expect the unexpected. Mentally preparing yourself for that helps deal with stresses that might come your way. Just know, that if things do take longer than expected, it is probably for good reason – to have it done the right way. Remember to stay positive.
2. Make a temporary kitchen.
Depending on the size of your family, this can take some coordination but it isn’t impossible to still cook family meals. If you are doing your kitchen remodel in the spring or summer, consider grilling out. We recommend for those without a grill, to get a hot plate. With that, a microwave, and a refrigerator you should be able to make a variety of meals. Find a small room or area of the kitchen where you can place your appliances and cookware. It’s not what you are used to by any means, but it should work temporarily. At the very least, you can quickly and easily prepare salads and sandwiches, as well as heat up soup and pasta.

Take time to do some meal prep! It might seem daunting at first but you will thank yourself later.
3. Cook ahead of time.
If you are concerned about having limited space to cook, prepare meals ahead of time and freeze them before the renovation begins. Some foods that freeze well include lasagna, shepherd’s pie, vegetables, casseroles, and jambalaya. If you did not have time to plan meals in advance, buying pre-made meals from the grocery store is a big time and energy saver.
4. Spend time with friends and family.
Have a friend you haven’t seen for some time? Meaning to make it over to your mother’s for dinner? Now is the time to do just that! While going out every night might not be friendly to your wallet, going to a family or friends house isn’t expensive (okay maybe the cost of a bottle of wine for the host). It is also a great time to let your kids spend the night at friend’s houses. Don’t feel like you are taking advantage, more like a good opportunity to be social and out of the house. Doing so will alleviate some of the stress of having to plan a meal each night in a makeshift kitchen.
Another solution to just dinners is taking a trip. If you can afford to go on a vacation or visit family, then take the opportunity to do it. Any chance to get out of the house and avoid the construction is blissful.
5. Buy disposable silverware and plates.
Some people jump at the chance not to have to do dishes, and with kids, this is just a much better solution. It helps take the stress of an already messy kitchen. Disposable dishware is relatively inexpensive. If you are worried about being eco-friendly, there are sustainable options as well. Check out bamboo leaf plates or sugar cane options.
If you are looking into a kitchen remodel, Friel Lumber’s Kitchen and Bath Design Center can help you achieve your vision. Our team of experienced designers are available to help you make the best decisions regarding your new design or remodel. Contact us today.